TOBAM se voit décerner le label LuxFLAG ESG pour l’ensemble de ses fonds

Le prestigieux label LuxFLAG ESG a été attribué à ses fonds Anti-Benchmark® basés au Luxembourg. TOBAM est fière d’annoncer que l’ensemble de sa gamme de fonds1 luxembourgeois s’est vu attribuer le label LuxFLAG ESG. LuxFLAG est une organisation internationale indépendante à but non lucratif qui vise à promouvoir l’investissement socialement responsable (ISR). Le label LuxFLAG ESG…

TOBAM Awarded LuxFLAG ESG Label for its Full Range of Anti-Benchmark® Funds

The prestigious LuxFLAG ESG label has been granted to TOBAM’s Luxembourg-registered range of Anti-Benchmark® funds TOBAM is proud to announce that it has been awarded the LuxFLAG ESG label to its full range of funds. LuxFLAG independently verifies TOBAM’s incorporation of sustainable principles throughout its investment process and showcases TOBAM’s commitment to incorporating Environmental, Social, and…

Life of a Surfer

Interview of Justin Bécret – September 2019 TOBAM initiated the Youth Sponsoring Project in 2014, as a sponsorship effort to support the endeavours of young individuals to excel, to challenge their own limits and develop skills unusual for athletes or students their age. WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DID YOU GET INTO SURFING? My name is Justin Bécret,…