TOBAM lance le premier fonds français agréé par l’AMF éligible à l’assurance-vie investissant dans le bitcoin et la blockchain

Le fonds combine une exposition au bitcoin et aux actions corrélées au bitcoin et à la blockchain, et offre aux investisseurs particuliers l’opportunité de bénéficier de l’essor rapide de cette thématique au sein d’un contrat d’assurance vie français.  Paris – 19 octobre 2021 – TOBAM, le gestionnaire français inventeur de l’approche Maximum Diversification®, a annoncé…

100% of tobam’s Anti-Benchmark strategies meet SFDR Article 8 classification criteria

Classification reflects longstanding ESG commitment and follows the launch of two fossil-free strategies in partnership with a leading institutional investor We are very proud to announce that TOBAM’s Anti-Benchmark Strategies all meet Article 8 classification criteria under the EU’s new Sustainable Financial Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), reflecting the extent to which we promote environmental and social…

TOBAM awarded “Multi Asset Manager of the Year”

We are delighted to announce that TOBAM has been named “Multi Asset Manager of the Year” at the Asset Management Awards organised by the magazine Money Age. The Asset Management Awards are designed to recognise outstanding achievement in the UK/European institutional and retail asset management spaces. TOBAM’s Anti-Benchmark Multi Asset strategy is once again awarded after having…